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Day of the dead bread

Halloween or Day of the Dead sweet bread.
Course Postre
Cuisine Mexicana
Keyword Bread of the dead, Day of the dead bread, Dulce, Pan, Pan de muertos, Sweet
Prep Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Leave to cool 20 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 55 minutes
Servings 6 personas
Cost 5€


  • Oven


  • 1 cup Milk
  • 5 + 1/8 cup Strong flour
  • 1/2 cup White sugar + more sugar to decorate
  • 7 tablespoon Butter cold
  • 1 teaspoon Instant yeast Or 3 teaspoons of fresh yeast
  • 4 unit Eggs For the dough
  • 1 unit Egg To brush
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 tablespoon Orange blossom water
  • 1 unit Cinnamon stick
  • 1 Orange or lemon/lime peel


  • Use a casserole or pot to heat up the milk with the orange and lime peel, the orange blossom water and the cinnamon stick until it start boiling. when When it comes to the boil turn off the heat and let it cool. Once the milk its cooled retire the peels and the cinnamon stick and measure it, we will need 250g (1 cup) of this milk to prepare the recipe. This is more or less the milk we will have after boil it and let it rest, but you can set aside the rest of the milk.
  • Mix the milk and the yeast (instant or fresh) and let it rest for some minutes.
  • Now you can start kneading using your dry ingredientes: flour, salt and sugar and the milk room temperature. 
  • Keep kneading and add 4 eggs one at a time. 
  • Once we have a nice dough we start adding the butter in cubes and keep kneading until the dough doesn’t stick to your hands or the sides of your bowl (15 minutes kneading are not too much). 
  • Let the sweet  bread rest cover with a film or a wet cloth for 1 hour room temperature (or overnight into the fridge)
  • Divide the dough into 12 balls with similar weight and form balls. Two of the balls will be divided to form “bones” with your fingers, cross them above the balls (forming a cross) and place a small ball on the top of each on (see photo).
  • Let the breads rest again for 1 hour to let them rise room temperature. Brush them carefully with beaten egg.
  • Bake 180º Celsius (360º Farenheith) until they brown, around 15 minutes, it will depends on your oven. 
  • Let them cool over a rack.
  • You can brush them with some melted butter and cover them wit sugar, this step is optional, but they will be delicious and sooo beautiful this way!
  • Enjoy them, if posible with hot cocoa!!